Unique Engagement Rings (okay, I mean nerdy engagement rings)
So, anyone who knows me will know that I am a nerd. I own a sonic screwdriver, I have Hermione’s wand, I have a Captain Kirk T-shirt (original series not reboot), My SMS tone is BB-8 chattering away, I know who the Winchesters are and Benedict Cumberbatch is a demigod (although he can’t say penguin for the life of him). I could go on. Its probably no surprise then, that I love the idea of nerdy engagement (and wedding) rings. Below are my favourites (Although I think the wonder woman ring is perhaps the most fitting -anyone who manages to plan a wedding is clearly in possession of superpowers).
PS. The cake is a lie ! (sorry, I couldn’t resist a Portal reference :-))
Images taken from Mashable and Buzzfeed