All posts in Engagement


Hey all!

Whenever anyone finishes off a big project they usually have a wealth of hard won knowledge. Knowledge that they often wish they had possessed when they started. Planning a wedding is no different. After the bouquet is tossed, the dress stored and the honeymoon…am…mooned (?) every bride has a nice grab bag of tips for the newbs (also known as those-with-the-really-blinding-shiny-bling-that-is-yet-to-need-a-clean).

In times gone by this invaluable knowledge would be lost, or at best shared between a small group of friends and family but in the 21st century we no longer have to let this knowledge dissolve into the ether! we can let the whole world know of our wisdom! And immortalise that wisdom on the internet forever (almost).

Here is one such bride with a few handy ‘hacks’ for the new bride to be. While a couple of tips maybe more suitable for the American market, most of what she says is good for the Aussie bride to 🙂



wonder woman

So, anyone who knows me will know that I am a nerd. I own a sonic screwdriver, I have Hermione’s wand,  I have a Captain Kirk T-shirt (original series not reboot), My SMS tone is BB-8 chattering away, I know who the Winchesters are and Benedict Cumberbatch is a demigod (although he can’t say penguin for the life of him). I could go on. Its probably no surprise then, that I love the idea of nerdy engagement (and wedding) rings. Below are my favourites (Although I think the wonder woman ring is perhaps the most fitting -anyone who manages to plan a wedding is clearly in possession of superpowers).

PS. The cake is a lie ! (sorry, I couldn’t resist a Portal reference :-))


Images taken from Mashable and Buzzfeed


Pre-wedding photography sessions are always fun affairs. Usually we manage to schedule them right at the time when people are over the worst of the planning, so now there is just a kind of bubbly excitement for the impending wedding day. Such was the case with Melissa and Vincent. We have known this lovely couple for years and felt really privileged that they chose us to be their wedding photographers on their most special of days.



Keeping things casual we went to Whiteman park to do shoot the pre-wedding photographs and, after weeks of weather that seemed to forget it was meant to be getting warmer not colder, we finally managed to get a lovely (mostly) sunny day.  Melissa and Vincent were so cute together and you can clearly see that they are very much in love with each other. After some initial concerns over  what may be living in the dense undergrowth, we left the couple to do what comes naturally exploring the various regions and structures of Whiteman park. Vincent, ever the gentleman, ensured that his fiancé was kept safe from any real (or imagined) threats.

Playful and adorable, Filip and I had an absolute blast taking their photos and it was clear that their wedding day was going to be filled with beautiful and fun shots.